
How To Remove Sliding Glass Door From Track

Patio drinking glass doors have two separate units: a stationary unit of measurement and a sliding unit.


In order to access the glass door units, get-go remove the screen door (if you have one). Lift i finish of the frame and use a screwdriver or stiff putty knife to elevator the bottom rollers from the runway. Practise this to both ends of the screen door and elevator the screen door off the track.

The stationary glass door unit of measurement is usually held in place by a metal plate that runs along the lesser of the rails from the corner of the stationary unit to the lesser of the side jamb (there's a run a risk this piece may be missing, just if you lot do encounter ane, remove it from the track.)

Removing the metal place

Picture 1 - removing metal place

After the metal plate is removed, wait for screws or clips on the upper and lower inside corner of the stationary unit. These screws or clips may be holding the stationary unit frame in place. Remove them, and so pull the stationary door out of the frame.

STEP 2 - REMOVE THE SLIDING Unit of measurement

If necessary, create more room between the sliding unit and the door frame past raising the wheels back into the sliding unit frame. Do this by adjusting the screws on the rollers clockwise. The adjusting screws are located either at the bottom of the sliding unit's frame or in the sides of the frame.

Adjusting the rollers prior to the door removal

Motion picture 2 - adjusting rollers prior to door removal

After the rollers are adjusted on both sides, remove the sliding unit from the door frame.

Step 3 - REMOVE Former ROLLERS


On older aluminum doors, accessing the rollers requires the removal of the lesser function of the door frame. This removable slice is almost likely fastened with the same screws that concord the rollers in identify. Remove the screws from both sides of the unit and and then examination to see if the bottom piece is removable. You may want to use a safety mallet and a wood block to tap on the frame and loosen the removable piece.

Removing the bottom part of the aluminum frame

Clip 1 - removing lesser part of aluminum frame

Once the bottom piece of the frame is removed yous should take access to the rollers.


On most vinyl doors, the frame is welded together. Look for screws on the outside corner of the bottom of the frame. Unremarkably, the tiptop screws agree the roller in the frame. Offset, remove the top screws and so remove the rollers from the door.

Removing the set screw and roller from the vinyl frame

Moving picture 3 - removing set screw and roller from vinyl frame

Tip: go on your old screws handy so you can use them on your new rollers.


If you need assist identifying replacement rollers, ask our experts here: [discussions]

Install the new rollers dorsum into the frame.

Tip: It is a adept idea to supercede both rollers at the same time in club to forestall extra wear-and-tear to i new roller.


To make information technology easier to install the sliding unit of measurement dorsum into the door frame, adjust the rollers so they're at their highest bespeak the frame (this will give you lot more room for installation) [Clip two]. Once you have the sliding unit of measurement back in the door frame, you tin can adapt the rollers for optimal performance. Keep adjusting the rollers until the door is sliding back and forth hands.

Adjusting the rollers to their highest point

Prune ii - adjusting rollers to their highest pointe

Reinstall the sliding door back into the frame past inserting the summit of the door beginning, then the bottom. Afterwards the sliding door is dorsum in, reinstall the stationary door and button it all the way back into its original position, fastening it back to the frame with the screws or retaining clips.

Lastly, reinstall the screen door using a putty pocketknife or screwdriver to help heighten the wheels if necessary.


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