
How To Remove Remote Control From Ceiling Fan

Git Delete Branch – How to Remove a Local or Remote Branch

Git is a pop version control system and an essential tool in a spider web developer's toolkit.

Branches are a powerful and integral function of working with Git.

In this commodity, you lot will learn the basics about how to remove local and remote branches in Git.

What are Branches in Git?

A branch is a pointer to a commit.

Git branches are a snapshot of a project and its changes, from a specific point in time.

When working on a large projection, there is the main repository with all the code, often called main or principal.

Branching allows you to create new, contained versions of the original main working projection. Yous might create a co-operative to edit it to make changes, to add a new feature, or to write a examination when yous're trying to fix a problems. And a new branch lets you practice this without affecting the primary code in any way.

So to sum up – branches let you make changes to the codebase without affecting the core code until you lot're admittedly gear up to implement those changes.

This helps you keep the codebase clean and organized.

Why Remove Branches in Git?

And so yous've created a co-operative to agree the lawmaking for a alter you wanted to make in your projection.

You lot and so incorporated that modify or new characteristic into the original version of the project.

That means you no longer need to go along and apply that co-operative, and so it is a mutual best practice to delete information technology so information technology doesn't clutter upward your lawmaking.

How to Delete a Local Branch in Git

Local branches are branches on your local automobile and do not affect any remote branches.

The control to delete a local branch in Git is:

                git branch -d  local_branch_name                              
  • git branch is the command to delete a co-operative locally.
  • -d is a flag, an choice to the command, and information technology's an alias for --delete. It denotes that you want to delete something, equally the name suggests. - local_branch_name is the name of the co-operative you lot want to delete.

Let'south await into this in a fleck more detail with an example.

To list out all the local branches, you lot utilise the following command:

                git branch                              

I have two, branches, primary and test2. I am currently on the test2 branch equally the (*) shows:


I want to delete the test2 branch, butit is not possible to delete a branch you are currently in and viewing.

If you attempt to do so, yous'll get an error that will expect something similar this:


Then before deleting a local branch, brand certain to switch to some other branch that yous exercise NOT want to delete, with the git checkout command:

                git checkout branch_name  #where branch_name is the name of the branch yous want to motility to #in my instance the other branch I accept is principal, so I'd do: #git checkout master                              

Here's the output:


Now I tin can delete the branch:


The command for deleting a local branch that nosotros just used doesn't work in all cases.

If the branch contains unmerged changes and unpushed commits, the -d flag will not allow the local branch to be deleted.

This is because the commits are not seen by any other branches and Git is protecting y'all from accidentaly losing any commit data.

If you try to exercise this, Git will show you an fault:


As the error suggests, y'all'll need to utilise the -D flag instead:

                git branch -D local_branch_name                              

The -D flag, with a capital D (which is an alias for -- delete --forcefulness), forcefully deletes the local branch, regradless of its merged status.

But note that you should use this control should with circumspection, as there is no prompt request you to confirm your actions.

Use it only when y'all are absolutely certain y'all want to delete a local branch.

If you didn't merge information technology into another local branch or push button it to a remote branch in the codebase, you volition risk losing any changes you've made.


How to Delete a Remote Co-operative in Git

Remote branches are separate from local branches.

They are repositories hosted on a remote server that can be accessed there. This is in comparisson to local branches, which are repositories on your local arrangement.

The command to delete a remote branch is:

                git push remote_name -d remote_branch_name                              
  • Instead of using the git branch command that you use for local branches, you can delete a remote branche with the git push control.
  • And then yous specify the name of the remote, which in most cases is origin.
  • -d is the flag for deleting, an allonym for --delete.
  • remote_branch_name is the remote branch you want to delete.

At present, let'south see an example of how to go nigh deleting a remote branch.

To view any remote branches, you use this command:

                git co-operative -a                              

The -a flag (an allonym for --all) shows all branches – both local and remote.


I accept 2 local branches called master and examination and two remote branches origin/master and origin/test.

The -r, an alias for --remotes, shows only the remote repositories.


I desire to delete the remote origin/exam co-operative, so I utilize the command:

                git push origin -d exam                              



This deleted the test co-operative in the remote repository named origin.

The origin/test remote repository is no longer there:



You now know how to delete local and remote branches in Git.

If you desire to learn more about Git, you can picket the post-obit courses on freeCodeCamp's YouTube channel:

  • To learn how to get set with Git, and for an overview of important Git commands and the typical git workflow – Git and GitHub for beginners - Crash course.
  • To go more in depth on branches and learn how they work – Git Branches Tutorial.

Thanks for reading and happy learning!

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