Freckle removal with the Fraxel (1927nm) light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation,  Gemini (532nm) light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, Ruby (694nm) light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, and PiQo4 laser (532nm) can be effective in the hands of experienced practitioners. Selection of laser and light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation settings may depend on the patient's skin type and needs. IPL or intense pulsed lite is another machine that tin aid remove freckles. However, equally information technology is a broadband light source, it is less specific and effective for treating freckles in comparing to a specific laser such as the lasers listed previously.

Laser Freckle Removal: Quick facts

  • Freckles are multiple, flat spots on the skin that start at a young age and darken with dominicus exposure.
  • The Ruby (694nm) laser, Gemini (532nm) laser, and PiQo4 laser (532nm) are highly attracted to the melanin in freckles.
  • The Gemini (532nm) laser can be used to remove freckles on Asian, olive or darker peel types
  • The Fraxel (1927nm) laser is attracted to the water in the skin and removes freckles past exfoliating the top surface layer of skin containing the freckles.
  • Lightening creams tin be used to lighten freckles, but practise not generally remove them.
  • Usually, one to ii sessions are required, and the recovery period is usually 1 week
  • Sunscreen pre and postal service-handling are important to help reduce the recurrence of freckles.

What are freckles?

Freckles are multiple, flat, spots on the skin due to uneven distribution of melanin (skin paint) in those areas. They are usually about the size of a matchstick head and are reasonably uniform in colour. They are usually situated on sun-exposed areas of the skin, including the face, neck, arms, and shoulders and usually darken afterwards sun exposure. Usually, freckles beginning to occur at a very young age.  Freckles most commonly occur in people with lighter or fairer skin types, and in those who have a genetic predisposition to developing freckles.

Freckle removal lasers

There are 4 lasers available (Fraxel, PiQo4, Crimson, and Gemini lasers) for the handling of freckles at the Victorian Cosmetic Institute. The laser used volition depend on the type of freckles, the skin type, and the presence of other skin concerns. Lightening creams (such equally Kligman'south formula) tin be used in the treatment of freckles, but usually only fade the freckles rather than removing them completely.  Lasers are able to remove the freckles completely usually after one to two sessions.

One of the lasers that are used for the handling of freckles is the Q-switched red light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. The ruby laser has a wavelength, 694nm, that is highly attracted to melanin. Freckles, which are higher in melanin than normal skin, tend to attract the free energy from this laser wavelength. The laser energy that is absorbed by the freckles leads to the destruction of the melanin in the freckle and its removal. Furthermore, the q-switched cerise light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation has extremely short pulses of laser energy, each pulse lasting merely a few nanoseconds (billionths of a second). The production of loftier free energy levels in this brusque period of fourth dimension also has a photograph-acoustic effect on the melanin in the freckles, literally shattering the pigment particles.

The Gemini laser is besides useful in the handling of freckles/sunspots on Asian, olive or darker skin types. This laser is fired through a glass window that is chilled, and this cooling helps to forbid heat from dissentious the peel. As Asian, olive, and darker skins tend to have more complications from lasers, this cooling does significantly help starting time the risks associated with laser treatment in this population. The laser uses longer pulses in the millisecond range (thousandths of a 2d), and in clinical trials, it has been shown that this light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation has less risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation than q-switched lasers with the aforementioned wavelength on Asian skins. This is the eruption of pigmentation postal service-laser treatment or trauma to the skin.

More recently, picosecond lasers have been introduced, and these lasers reduce the length of the pulses to picoseconds or trillionths of a 2nd. These lasers have the potential to farther enhance the removal of pigmentation past reducing the amount of heat energy applied to the skin, whilst besides causing a photo-acoustic or mechanical destruction of the pigmentation. The PiQO4 laser is an example of a picosecond laser. The advantage of shorter pulses is less bulk heating of the skin during laser treatment, and therefore a gentler treatment with potentially less downtime.

Fraxel laser (1927nm wavelength) is an effective laser treatment for freckle removal. Unlike other lasers mentioned previously, information technology is attracted to water in the pare, and not melanin. The mode of activity is to simply exfoliate the surface layers of the skin off, including the freckles. Equally the name of the laser suggests, it is a fractional laser. This ways that the laser fires very fine columns of light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation free energy into the peel, sparing the skin in between the columns. Counterintuitively, it does care for freckles very finer, despite not covering the whole skin. The laser uses a scanning handpiece to evangelize columns of light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation energy, and this provides a very compatible treatment of the skin. The Fraxel 1927nm laser is one of our preferred methods of full-face freckle removal on fair peel types.

Video of freckle treatment procedure and post-laser video diary

Freckle Removal Case Studies

Freckle Removal Case Written report ane

Here is a patient who underwent Ruby laser treatment to remove her freckles and pigmentation. After one treatment her freckles and pigmentation take significantly reduced. Note, this patient is wearing false tan in her before photograph.

Freckle Removal Example Study 2

This is a earlier and after picture of a person who has had a single reddish laser treatment for freckles. 1 week of recovery was required for this treatment. No make-upward/foundation is worn in either photo.

Freckle Removal Case Report 3

This female presents to Victorian Cosmetic Establish with freckles around her cheeks, forehead, and eyes. She has had several treatments with IPL at another clinic with some result (as seen in the before photo). The after photo shows her face after ii treatments with the Medlite light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. The recovery for each handling took approximately 1 calendar week (for virtually of the scabs and swelling to subside).

Freckle Remove Case Study iv: Asian Female person

This 37 yr asian female presented with concerns about her sunspots/freckles. She had 1 handling with the Gemini's 532nm wavelength. Recovery time was 7 days where the pigmentation became darker, scabbed and fell off. Notation that the moles were not treated and cannot be treated past the Gemini laser.

Freckle Removal Example Written report 5

This female present to Victorian Cosmetic Plant for freckle removal treatment. She had her  full face treated with the Ruby light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. The patient is very happy with her results and maintains her skin using a 50+ sunscreen daily.

Ruby laser for freckle removal

Freckle and Pigmentation Removal Case Study half-dozen

This patient presented to Victorian Corrective Constitute with pigmentation concerns, in item the larger spot above her eye brow. This is her before and after from 1 session with the Fraxel light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation with the 1927nm wavelength. Recovery time was approximately vii days.

What is involved in having laser treatment for freckles?

Usually, treatment involves firstly anaesthetising the area to be treated with numbing foam. This helps to reduce the discomfort from the handling. The appropriate laser is selected, and so systematically practical to the area to be treated. A snapping awareness is felt, besides as some heat. Immediately subsequently the treatment, the freckles appear darker than normal, and the surrounding skin appears scarlet and bloated. Ice packs or an air cooler are usually practical to the skin mail-treatment to help reduce the amount of heat, swelling and redness.

After freckle laser treatment, freckles darken until afterwards approximately one week where they volition scab and peel off. One week of recovery or downtime due to swelling, redness, and concealment of freckles is ordinarily required.

Treatments are usually spaced at to the lowest degree one month apart, and normally one to 2 sessions are required, although more are required in some cases.

It is possible for freckles to render with sun exposure, so it is extremely of import to wearable sunscreen daily, both before and after treatment.

What is the price of freckle laser treatments?

The cost of laser treatment for freckles is listed on our pricing page.

Why choose Victorian Corrective Found as you provider of laser treatments for freckle removal?

With years of training and experience, our doctors specialise in laser treatments and we take a number of lasers available to treat pare atmospheric condition and freckles. We are therefore able to provide yous with optimal treatment for your skin, with fewer risks and complications.

The first pace is only contacting u.s. for your initial freckle laser consultation, where nosotros will discuss with you what is a realistic and achievable consequence, and what to expect from your handling.

Making that first telephone call almost whatsoever cosmetic procedure can be a confronting job – many of our patients have preferred filling out our online enquiry class. Nosotros can then contact y'all with an understanding of the results y'all are hopeful of achieving and ensure the treatment is appropriate.

It's every bit easy as clicking the 'arrange an date' push or  you tin telephone us directly on 1300 863 824.

For judge units and costs please visit the Corrective consultation and treatments pricing page.