
How To Remove Sod By Hand

Updated January 6, 2022

Reviewed by Tara Dudley, Landscape Designer, Landscape Projection Coordinator and Owner of Institute Life Designs. Written by HomeAdvisor.

Sod Prices

sod costs $120 to $400 per pallet

On average, homeowners pay $300 per pallet for sod. Pallet prices range from $150 to $450, depending on the grass type and quality. Expect to pay $0.35 to $0.85, or $0.60 on average, for sod sold by the square pes. The total price runs between $three,025 and $viii,205 to cover a 1-fifth-acre lawn, which is 8,712 square anxiety.

The decision to sod or seed depends on how quickly you want a backyard. Seeding is e'er cheaper, by far, but it takes time. If soil erosion is an upshot, y'all don't have time to wait. Seed lawns can take one to two years before they grow in fully. In the meantime, they are at risk of damage, disease, pests, and weed growth.

If you want to enjoy your new lawn as apace as possible, sod is the all-time fashion to go. For this project, y'all need to budget in the cost to install sod or acquire how to DIY.

The average toll is around $300 per pallet or $0.60 per square foot. Sod is as well sold by the square yard and roll, simply those options are non equally common. It does not sell by the linear foot.

Sod Cost by Size
Unit of Measure Price Range Notes
Roll $iii - $viii Covers effectually 10 square feet
Pallet $150 - $450 Covers about 450 square feet
Square Human foot $0.35 - $0.85 Most common
Square 1000 $3.15 - $vii.65 Multiply square foot toll by ix
Average One-Fifth Acre Yard $three,025 - $8,205 I-fifth acre = 8,712 square feet
One-Quarter Acre $3,785 - $10,255 Ane-quarter acre = 10,890 square feet
I-Half Acre $7,490 - $20,825 One-half acre = 21,780 foursquare feet
Acre $14,900 - $40,340 one acre = 43,650 square feet

Brand sure you understand the quantity by toll when buying sod. Some retailers listing their prices co-ordinate to number of pallets. For instance, a price might prove "$250 dollars per pallet," just as you lot read the fine print, you lot might run into it is for "1 to 2 pallets delivered." The clarification should also tell you the total foursquare footage or yardage that the entire guild covers.

Likewise, take notation of the dimensions when ownership past the roll. While it normally sells in ii-pes past 5-foot rolls, some suppliers cut them in different dimensions up to fifteen-feet wide and 30-feet to 40-feet long. If y'all go straight to a supplier, you can usually purchase it wholesale, but they probably take a minimum order requirement. If you're only doing a pocket-sized projection, yous may accept to pay retail prices.

Sod Pallet Price Calculator

Each pallet of sod costs $150 to $450 and covers upward to 450 square anxiety. Prices can vary depending on the type yous selection and where yous alive. If the species you desire is not common where you alive, information technology might cost more to transport, if it'southward available at all.

The iv near common species of grass used for sod are zoysia, Bermuda, St. Augustine and fescue. In that location are many other types of sod available, depending on your expanse.

Pallet Prices for Sod by Type
Blazon Price Range
Zoysia $180 - $270
Bermuda $160 - $385
St. Augustine $160 - $340
Fescue $160 - $295

It is possible to buy your own material and take someone else lay it or accept an installer handle the full project, shopping included. Ownership your own sod may affect whatsoever guarantees the installer might offer, so discuss it with your pro beforehand.

Compare Sod Costs from Local Pros for the Best Toll.

Sod Pricing Factors

Sod pricing varies quite a bit depending on the grass blazon, commitment charges and your location. The most expensive types are Zoysia Emerald, Bermuda and Centipede at up to $0.85 per foursquare foot. Bahia is the cheapest at under $0.40 per square human foot. On top of the sod price, suppliers charge between $90 to $350 for delivery. You likewise accept the choice to pick it upward for yourself at no actress charge. Prices are ofttimes higher than the norm for those who alive in areas with multiple climate zones, such equally California.

Estimating Costs by Lawn Sod Type

Though well-nigh are sold at $150 to $450 per pallet, the average price nationwide is difficult to calculate. Prices depend on the blazon you want every bit well as what's bachelor in your area. If yous order online, be sure the company will ship that type to your expanse and that it volition work well in your yard.

St. Augustine

St. Augustine costs between $0.35 to $0.75 per square human foot or $160 to $340 per pallet. Information technology is native to the US, the Caribbean area, and parts of Africa. With its fibroid, wide blade, it was in demand early on as pasture grass. As communities spread inland, it rapidly became popular for lawns as well. Today, you lot can observe it from the Carolinas to near of Texas, and it has adjusted to Cardinal California.

St. Augustine Prices
Per Toll Range Boilerplate Cost
Square Foot $0.35 - $0.75 $0.55
Pallet $160 - $340 $250

St. Augustine Floratam, a variant of St. Augustine, sells by the pallet for $185 to $225. At 450 square feet per pallet, this cost equates to almost $0.35 per foursquare foot. Floratam does well in full sunlight and in a variety of soil types. It is also resistant to chinch bugs.

  • Adapts well to rut, drought, and saltiness

  • Needs actress watering in hot weather

  • Skilful in shade

  • Doesn't tolerate temperatures below ten degrees Fahrenheit

  • Overpowers weeds

  • Pest-resistant (including chinch bugs) when healthy

  • Sensitive to certain herbicides (2,4-D)

  • Becomes sparse under heavy foot traffic

  • Fast-growing

  • Mow frequently, only don't cut too low


Zoysia costs $180 to $270 per pallet or $0.40 to $0.60 per foursquare pes. Touted as a "catholicon" for backyard care, zoysia is very tolerant to wide variations of sunlight and water. Information technology is native to Japan and the Philippines, so regions with similar climates are especially proficient for it. In warm areas, zoysia tends to stay greenish for more than than half the yr. Experts ofttimes employ it on golf courses for teeing areas and fairways due to its fine blades and soft feel.

Zoysia Cost
Per Toll Range Average Cost
Square foot $0.xl - $0.60 $0.50
Pallet $180 - $270 $225

Zoysia Emerald, a variant of zoysia, sells for about $240 per pallet or $0.55 per square foot. Zenith, a top zoysia make, sells for about $385 per pallet or $0.85 per square foot. These new breeds hands grow outside Eastern asia and are a popular choice in Southern California to the mid-Atlantic states. As long every bit it gets half dozen to eight hours of sunlight and consistent watering, it works well in this colder region.

  • Best in temperate climates Turns dark-brown in cold weather condition

  • Best in sunny, open up spaces

  • Tiresome growing and needs minimal mowing

  • Scout out for lots of thatching

  • Invasive: use lawn edging to protect other plants

  • Hands covers depression features with dumbo mats

  • Highly insect resistant


Bermuda grass costs $0.35 to $0.85 per square human foot. Per pallet prices range from $160 to $385 each. Despite its name, it doesn't come from Bermuda, simply the Mideast instead. This grass blazon is popular for heavy foot traffic areas, including football fields. It recovers and repairs itself speedily and tin can grow in almost whatever type of soil.

If not mowed, seed heads tin can sprout up to a foot or so in elevation, which helps them spread. The root arrangement can reach half dozen.5 anxiety downwards, with the majority of the roots around two feet deep. While this helps the grass go on its drought resistance, it can too make this very invasive species tough to get rid of if you lot decide you don't desire it.

Bermuda Cost
Per Price Range Average Cost
Square human foot $0.35 - $0.85 $0.lx
Pallet $160 - $385 $275
  • Proficient in drought-prone areas

  • Highly invasive

  • Ultra-deep root growth

  • Tolerates heavy pes traffic

  • Recovers and repairs itself quickly

  • Herbicide-resistant for easy weed control

  • Increases allergy symptoms in some people and pets


Fescue costs $160 to $295 per pallet or $0.35 to $0.65 per foursquare foot. Information technology's a absurd climate grass that does very well everywhere St. Augustine, zoysia, and Bermuda varieties don't. Fescue has up to 400 to 500 subtypes, including Kentucky 31. This popular variant is famous for its role in reclaiming devastated state from the Dust Bowl of the 1930s.

People commonly apply it every bit an ornamental and as turf grass. It tin can abound to heights of 10 to 200 centimeters (4 to 79 inches) depending on the blazon and works great on golf courses for the rough. Information technology is as well first-class for soil erosion control. Unless y'all are growing the tall fescue variant, this grass does not tolerate heavy foot traffic.

Fescue Cost

Per Price Range Average Toll
Square foot $0.35 - $0.65 $0.50
Pallet $160 - $295 $230
  • Nearly common grass used for lawns

  • Found on every continent except Antarctica

  • Quick to germinate when grown from seed

  • Does not spread easily

  • Good companion to wildflowers

  • Tolerates poor soil weather

  • Grows at high elevations

  • Fallow above ninety degrees Fahrenheit

Hire a Pro to Help Find the All-time Sod for Your Yard.


Centipede sells for $340 to $385 per pallet or nigh $0.75 to $0.85 per square foot when bought from a hardware store. Since wholesale pricing from a nursery or farm could exist much lower, you should call an installation professional for a quote on this species.

Although this grass is native to Southeast Asia, information technology has been a popular pick in the United states of america since the early on 1900s. This diverseness favors the warm season and is known to create a low, dense lawn that is reasonably shade tolerant. Information technology easily resists weed growth and pests when grown in the right weather.

Price of Centipede Grass
Per Price Range Average Toll
Foursquare human foot $0.75 - $0.85 $0.80
Pallet $340 - $385 $365
  • Rut- and drought-tolerant

  • Weed- and pest-resistant

  • All-time in sandy, acidic soil

  • Warm-season grass

  • Average sprouting time of 10 to 28 days

  • Develops thatch when taller than two inches

  • Does not handle foot traffic, especially in winter


Bahia sells for less than the other varieties at $0.20 to $0.40 per square foot or $ninety to $180 for each pallet. This warm-season grass is native to S America and has become a popular pasture grass in the Southeastern The states. Many people plant it to control erosion, produce hay and create habitats for local wildlife. It also works well equally a basic lawn that withstands heavy foot traffic. This makes it a favorite of pet owners who need an durable lawn for dogs.

You can grow Bahia grass in near any type of soil in sunny and shady areas. Information technology spreads similar wild due to its deep roots and ability to produce tons of seeds each growing season. Those new to backyard intendance love this grass as it is tolerant of care mistakes, including mowing too close and over or nether watering.

Bahia Grass Prices
Per Price Range Boilerplate Cost
Foursquare foot $0.20 - $0.40 $
Pallet $90 - $180 $135
  • Thrives in a higher place lxx degrees Fahrenheit

  • Highly drought-tolerant

  • Low maintenance

  • Winter hardy

  • Deep root organisation

  • Good when rotating fields to suppress pests and disease

  • Thrives in all soil types, including poorly draining fields

  • Germinates slowly


Marathon sells for most $270 to $295 per pallet. Await to pay $0.60 and $0.65 when sold by the square pes. Imitation versions, oftentimes of lower quality, run about 10% less. Southland Sod Farms created this cool-season grass in the early on 1980s using two tall fescue species chosen Baja and Hubbard 87. They take created two more varieties since developing the first. Each 1 thrives in different climates and weather.

All varieties of this grass are bonny and durable. They work well in front end and back yards that see a lot of pes traffic. Their dumbo growth patterns allow lawns to resist weeds, pests and disease. They all need regular mowing and watering to stay green and lush, especially as temperatures rise in the summertime.

Cost of Marathon Grass
Per Price Range Average Price
Square human foot $0.threescore - $0.65 $0.63
Pallet $270 - $295 $285
  • Lush colour and soft blades

  • Produces dense turf

  • Resists affliction, weeds and pests

  • Thrives in absurd weather

  • Grows apace during the fall

  • Water ofttimes in the summer to go along dark-green

  • More than durable than other absurd-season varieties

  • Grows and recovers chop-chop

Kentucky Bluegrass

Kentucky Bluegrass costs $160 to $180 per pallet or $0.35 to $0.40 per square human foot. This is a popular option for lawns due to its lush, greenish appearance and ability to tolerate heavy pes traffic. Information technology is native to North Asia, Europe and beyond, but is found all across the United states.

Although information technology prefers full lord's day, information technology grows well in the shade when cared for properly with regular mowing, feeding and watering. This grass is sensitive to heat and drought since it is a cool-season variety. It has phenomenal winter hardiness, just cannot withstand much stress from insects, disease and weeds.

Kentucky Bluegrass Prices
Per Price Range Average Price
Square pes $0.35 - $0.40 $0.33
Pallet $160 - $180 $170
  • Uniform night green colour

  • Grows best during the absurd season

  • Does not tolerate drought

  • High maintenance

  • Practiced in cold climates, starts growing in early spring

  • Responds poorly to pests, disease and weed growth

  • Best in full sun but shade tolerant


Bentgrass sells by the pallet for $225 to $315 and by the square foot for $0.50 to $0.seventy . People utilise information technology for natural grass putting greens because information technology stands up well to low mowing and heavy foot traffic.

Over 100 species of this cool-season grass grows native in Asia, Europe and North Africa. In the Usa, only four species are used for lawns, putting greens and sports turf. They grow exceptionally well in the Pacific Northwest and the Northeastern expanse. Although this grass is resistant to affliction, weeds and pests in the cool months, all that changes as the temperatures rise.

Price of Bentgrass
Per Price Range Average Price
Foursquare foot $0.l - $0.70 $0.sixty
Pallet $225 - $315 $270
  • Bluish-green hue and soft feel

  • Thrives in absurd, wet weather

  • Tolerates abiding human foot traffic and cutting too low

  • Susceptible to pests, disease and weeds in high temperatures

  • Prefers full sun simply can grow in shade

  • Water oftentimes year-circular


Ryegrass costs $160 to $295 per pallet or $0.35 to $0.65 per square human foot. This cool-season grass thrives all across the globe, but is native to Europe, Asia and Africa. Due to its durability and tolerance for close mowing, this grass works well equally turf for sports fields and every bit pasture grass. It is great for over-seeding Bermuda grass lawns to keep them green all year long.

In balmy climates, ryegrass needs minimal maintenance. Only a fiddling bit of watering and regular trims is all information technology needs to stay in slap-up shape. With that level of care, information technology has a lush, dark-green look that promises to improve your home's advent twelvemonth-round. As temperatures rising, information technology needs more watering to avoid turning brown. Budgeting for the price of lawn fertilizer can help, too, in keeping this grass looking its best.

Ryegrass Toll
Per Price Range Boilerplate Cost
Square foot $0.35 - $0.65 $0.50
Pallet $160 - $295 $230
  • Grows fastest in cool atmospheric condition

  • Tolerant of common cold snaps and frequent or heavy pelting

  • Needs more water and maintenance equally temperatures rise

  • Does non spread rapidly, so it stays where you constitute it

  • Thrives despite shut mowing and heavy foot traffic

  • Prefers full lord's day merely grows well in the shade


Super-Sod is a supplier of a multifariousness of high-quality grass species, including:

  • Zeon Zoysia

  • TifBlair Centipede

  • Elite Tall Fescue

  • TifTuf Bermuda

Each diversity is matched to its ideal zones to make sure the grass grows fast, strong and healthy. They sell every diverseness in rolls and pallets, depending on your yard size. They permit you to choice up the sod yourself or take information technology delivered to your home. Yous can the visitor directly for a free quote on whatever of their products.

Get the Best Price for a Pallet of Sod

DIY vs. Hiring a Sod Installer

If you install sod yourself, expect it to take a lot of fourth dimension and endeavor. By hiring a sod installer near you, you lot can boot back and expect for a beautiful lawn to appear earlier your eyes. Installers handle everything from selecting the right blazon of grass and having it delivered to grading the land and installing each gyre. They tin fifty-fifty provide the care tips yous need to go along your lawn thriving through every season.

If you cull to DIY, yous need to learn how to lay sod and purchase all the materials and tools for the chore. These costs can add upward fast, quickly eliminating the money saved on hiring an installer.

DIY Equipment and Materials
Materials Cost Purpose
Shovel or spade $10 - $20 Remove grass in small areas
Sod-cutter $80 for a full mean solar day rental $150 average deposit Grass removal in big areas
Rototiller $130 - $350 to buy, $l per half-day rental, $80 per full day rental, $125 average deposit Soil grooming
Home soil test $12 - $15 Make up one's mind compost needed
Compost/Fertilizer $10 per 1,000 square feet Maintenance
Fertilizer spreader About $50 Spreading fertilizer
Hand tamper Nearly $35 Packing soil
Sod $0.35 - $0.85 per square foot Include a 5% - 10% overage
Garden pocketknife $four - $20 Trimming textile
Overseed $50 Optional for filling sparse areas
Lawn roller $120 - $150 Smoothing and eliminating air pockets
Total Well-nigh $2,000
Let a Sod Installer Handle the Muddy Piece of work. Compare Quotes for the All-time Toll.


What is sod?

Sometimes called turf, sod is a thick layer of mature grass growing on one to two inches of soil. Sold most often past the pallet, this natural turf is less than the price of artificial turf but more than the price of lawn seed. You lot can use it to instantly create a lush lawn, but information technology will need regular care to remain in swell shape.

Is information technology cheaper to sod or seed?

On average, growing a lawn from seed costs $950 for an boilerplate-sized lawn, including installation. This makes it a lot cheaper than sod, which costs between $3,025 to $8,205 for materials alone.

How long after Roundup can I sod?

Yous can install sod about two weeks after starting the Roundup treatment process. Brand sure that at least 7 to ten days accept passed since you applied Roundup last or it could kill the grass.

How do I calculate how much sod I need?

Offset, wait at your chiliad'south basic shape and measure its square footage. Then, divide the total square footage of your lawn by 450 square feet to calculate how many pallets you need. Programme to round upwardly or lodge extra 10 square pes rolls for full coverage. Or, simply type your lawn dimensions into a sod calculator to instantly acquire how much material you lot demand.

How much does a pallet of sod embrace?

The amount on the pallet normally covers 450 square feet.

How much does a pallet of sod weigh?

Depending on the moisture content of the soil, a pallet can weigh anywhere from 1,500 to iii,000 pounds.

What is the virtually affordable and most expensive type of sod?

Bahia is the near affordable grass species and Centipede costs the most.

What is the cheapest place to purchase sod?

Information technology is cheaper to buy from a nearby wholesaler than from a large box store or national hardware concatenation. Generally, the closer information technology grows to your location, the less expensive information technology volition be and the more than probable it will thrive. In some areas, you can fifty-fifty buy sod directly from a sod farm depending on where you alive.

Sod vs. seeded grass lawn vs. hydroseeding: Which is better?

A seeded lawn has no slap-up advantage over installed sod except for toll and the relatively low labor needed. The effect, in fact, is frequently better with a sod installed backyard considering the grass matures quickly. However, Tara Dudley, owner of Establish Life Designs warns that sodding volition require college inputs of irrigation to get established.

Though the price to seed a lawn is less, a seeded lawn takes up to a year before it is fully usable. However, you can use an installed lawn in a affair of weeks. Sod establishes itself much faster and is less prone to erosion from rain and other weather effects. This is i example where you can achieve both quality and convenience!

At near $vii,850 per acre or about $0.xx per square pes, a hydroseeded lawn costs about half as much per acre as low-cost sod. Hydroseeding combats erosion past mixing seed with mulch. Like traditional seeding, a lawn planted with this process takes time to grow in.

Which is more expensive — sod vs artificial grass turf?

At $5 to $twenty per square foot, the cost to install artificial turf is much more than upfront. Even so, the advantages of synthetic grass can save yous time and reduce backyard maintenance costs once installed. After all, at that place is no mowing, watering or fertilizing, which can salvage you up to $850 per year.

How much does replacement vs. new sod toll?

The simply added toll associated with replacement is the labor to remove existing material. A professional tin give you a quote for the added work.

Have more than questions about your sod installation?


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