
How To Remove Sealer From Granite

How To: Seal a Granite Countertop

Protect your pricey kitchen investment with the right sealant and these techniques.

How to Seal a Granite Countertop


If you've got a gorgeous granite countertop and want to keep it in "show home" shape, you may need to seal information technology. Some countertops come pre-sealed, but if yours did not (or yous're not certain) don't delay giving it the shield it needs. Improper cleaning, neglected spills, and other bug of everyday utilize could easily mar the surface otherwise. The proper penetrating (or impregnating) sealer volition soak into the granite, filling the porous gaps, to go on harm at bay. Truthful, a sealant merely buys you time—unattended spills volition seep into sealed granite eventually—but the correct 1 and the following steps for how to seal a granite countertop will certainly assist protect your investment.

Water-based sealants are environmentally friendly, while solvent-based sealants may go deeper into the rock—though this is arguably only important on polished granite. Check water- or solvent-based sealant labels for the agile ingredient "fluorocarbon aliphatic resin." Though the product will be pricier than those containing such agents as siloxane and silicon, fluorocarbon aliphatic resin volition provide five to x years of protection, versus six months to three years with other sealants. What's more than, fluorocarbon aliphatic resins repel oil too equally h2o, so your granite won't exist ruined by a salad dressing mishap. A quart of fluorocarbon aliphatic resin sealant costs nearly $35 and offers between 150 to 250 square anxiety of coverage, depending on brand. A 24-oz spray bottle of bottom solvent runs effectually $xv but might require reapplying every six months or so.

Ahead, you'll discover general guidance for how to seal a granite countertop with either multifariousness, simply specific directions vary according to make and active ingredients. Information technology'due south crucial to follow label instructions on the sealant you buy in addition to these handy guidelines for the all-time results.

Tools & Materials
  • Microfiber cloths
  • Spray bottle
  • Liquid dishwashing detergent
  • Isopropyl
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Granite sealer
  • See full list «
  • Rubber gloves
  • Soft rags


Make up one's mind if the countertop requires sealing. Somewhere inconspicuous, similar in a corner of the counter, put a few drops of water on tiptop, and a few inches away, put a few drops of oil. Afterwards 15 minutes, check to encounter if the h2o or oil has seeped in and darkened the granite. If so, proceed with these instructions for how to seal a granite countertop. If not, then the countertop is already sealed, and doing so again will not offering extra protection merely only leave an unattractive hazy pic.

Step 2

Clean the countertop 24 hours before sealing, making sure to avoid potentially damaging vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda, bleach, or harsh commercial cleansers. First, have everything off the counter and wipe it down well with a clean, dry out microfiber cloth to remove all surface dust. Then, mix one teaspoon of dishwashing detergent and two tablespoons of isopropyl alcohol in a pint spray bottle and fill with cool h2o. Generously spray the countertop and wipe clean while polishing in a round move, using a microfiber material. Wait 24 hours before proceeding: The infinite occupied by the cleaning agent is the aforementioned space that the sealant will penetrate, so you must ensure that the cleaning liquid has fully evaporated.

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How to Seal a Granite Countertop


Pace 3

Read the sealant's characterization thoroughly to empathise the application method. Should our instructions vary from the label, defer to the manufacturer. Open nearby windows and doors for ventilation. If it's raining, do not open windows that could allow rain to hit the countertop; instead, open windows in other areas of the room or in adjacent rooms.


Put on safety gloves and grab the rags. In an area usually covered by a small appliance, test the sealant to ensure it won't affect the finish. Apply a minor amount per manufacturer'due south directions, by spraying or pouring onto a fabric and so rubbing it evenly over the exam area.


Look the recommended time for the sealant to absorb into the granite, usually 15 to 20 minutes, but sometimes much longer. Don't permit it sit down longer than recommended, because that could discolor the stone.

Stride 6

If the sealant test area looks great, proceed to Step 7. If it has discolored, wipe up any remaining sealant with a clean rag. And so snap a few photos of the expanse and show them to an associate at your local home eye for advice on a more advisable product. Once you've acquired a new sealant, clean the counter and test the new sealant.

Pace 7

If the examination was successful, utilise the sealant over the entire counter, beginning at one end and working your way to the other. Employ in sections, using a circular move, of an arm'southward length in diameter, to ensure equal coverage throughout. Expect the manufacturer'due south recommended fourth dimension for the product to blot into the countertop.


After the absorption period has passed, wipe any actress sealant off with a clean, soft, dry out rag, rubbing in a circular motility. Some products require a 2d coat, and then follow instructions to practise so. If the production you use requires one glaze, allow it cure, which tin can accept between two and 48 hours. Nevertheless, granite experts recommend waiting a full 48 hours before wiping a newly sealed granite countertop with anything moisture. Besides, avoid returning any kitchenware to the counter until after the curing menses.


Once the countertop has fully cured, put your kitchen back in order. Keep the spray canteen of cleaner you created effectually for periodic use every month or ii. For daily cleaning, a dab of dish detergent and a moisture rag volition get the task done beautifully. Strive to wipe up spills immediately and then dry the countertop to keep your granite looking not bad.

How to Seal a Granite Countertop


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