
How To Remove Tea Stains From Stainless Steel Mug

Tea is a wonderful potable that refreshes our minds and warms our hearts.

Many of us dear to carry tea during travel. It increases the joy of travel.

And what can exist ameliorate than a stainless steel travel mug to drink tea?

Merely tea is responsible for leaving stains in the steel mug. It looks unhygienic and feels disgusting to beverage in information technology. You tin can get rid of the problem if you know how to clean tea stains from stainless steel travel mugs.

Tons of options can be applied to clean tea stains. You tin can use cleaning tablets, blistering soda, vinegar, dishwasher detergent, cornstarch, soap, lemon, and fifty-fifty salt to clean stains. Read the guide to know every method with step-by-footstep processes, and finally follow the one yous detect nigh useful to make clean it effectively.

What Causes Stains in a Stainless Steel Travel Mug?

Tannin or tannic acid gives the color of the tea. It is also the main reason why tea is beingness used in tanning leather, dyeing cotton fiber, and making ink. This acrid starts growing at the lesser of the mug when leaving tea for a long time. It builds the stain slowly and finally makes it hard to remove.

How to Clean Tea Stains from a Stainless Steel Travel Mug

A man drinking tea from stainless steel travel mug

Yous can effort dissimilar options to clean stains. Here are the main ways to remove stains from a stainless steel travel mug.

Master Grooming

Before starting the cleaning, prepare yourself with some essential elements that are going to be useful. Yous may demand,

  • Sponge or scrubbing brush
  • Right cleaning ingredients at your convenience
  • Hot water
  • Tablespoon
  • Cup
  • Bowl

Use Bottle Cleaning Tablets

The easiest mode to remove tea stains from stainless steel travel mugs is using the bottle cleaning tablet. Just effort to apply not-toxic and environment-friendly tablets to protect your drinkable and mug. Yous can take water canteen cleaning tablets from here.

The tablet releases a gentle oxygen fizz when information technology comes in contact with h2o. It removes any stains, grease, and smell from the steel. Follow the process to make clean the stains.

  • Fill up a ¼ part of your mug with clean hot h2o.
  • Drop one tablet into the h2o.
  • Leave it for a dark to resolve properly.
  • Shake your mug vigorously in the morning.
  • Rinse it properly with clean water to remove any residues.
  • Dry it in natural air and light.

Utilize Baking Soda every bit A Cleaning Agent

Baking soda has a pH level of 9 that shows how acidic it is. It is bachelor in your kitchen and does not cost much. Just follow the steps below to use baking soda.

  • Pour clean water into your mug and swish it to moisture the entire mug.
  • Sprinkle baking soda throughout the mug to permit it stick to the water.
  • Wait for a few minutes to create a paste.
  • Have a sponge or scrubbing brush and wipe out stains.
  • Employ make clean water to remove whatever residues.
  • Await for information technology to dry out naturally.

Try Vinegar

Vinegar is also bachelor in your kitchen or nearby shop. You lot can attempt it to clean stains from a steel travel mug. Follow the steps below.

  • Wash the mug with clean hot h2o and mild detergent.
  • Pour hot h2o until it is half full.
  • Add distilled white vinegar to the water.
  • Wait for 30 minutes to mix and soak.
  • Use a brush to scrub the mug and remove stains.
  • Clean the rest with fresh cool h2o and look for drying.

Create A Vinegar and Baking Soda Mixture

Baking soda and vinegar mixture is an excellent solution to make clean stains. The combination works similar magic to clean stains from travel mugs. Follow the process below.

  • Make clean the mug with water and detergent first.
  • Pour 1/4 loving cup of blistering soda into the mug.
  • Add together white distilled vinegar until it is half-full.
  • Fill the residuum with hot water.
  • Wait for thirty minutes to encounter bubbles over.
  • Remove the mixture and scrub with clothes or castor.
  • Rinse and clean the residues with clean water.
  • Dry the mug in natural air.

Lemon Can Be A Good Solution

Lemon can be a good solution for pocket-sized-level tea stains in the mug. It has citric acrid and essential oils that tin can work effectively. Here are the steps.

  • Cut a few lemons in half with a abrupt pocketknife.
  • Take a slice and rub the mug with the open up side.
  • Sprinkle salt before rubbing to become a ameliorate event.

Baking Soda and Lemon Method

You can also create a mixture with lemon and blistering soda to get rid of tough tea stains. Lemon has a naturally pleasant smell that will make your tea smell even better. Here is the process.

  • Cut a lemon into 4 pieces.
  • Squeeze all the pieces to create blanket within the mug.
  • Make certain the entire mug wall and bottom are coated.
  • Sprinkle baking soda throughout the mug to create the paste.
  • Wait to meet bubbles and hear fizzing.
  • Wait for a couple of minutes.
  • Use a clean fabric or sponge to wipe out the paste.
  • Remove the residue with clean water.
  • Wait and let the mug dry earlier utilize.

Vinegar with Cornstarch

You lot tin even utilize cornstarch to mix with vinegar and remove stains from the mug. Follow the steps beneath.

  • Brand a paste of cornstarch and vinegar.
  • Apply the paste throughout the mug.
  • Expect for 30 minutes to let the mixture piece of work.
  • Take a non-scratch pad or material to wipe out the mixture.
  • Employ clean h2o to remove existing residues.
  • Let the mug dry in natural lite and air.

Dishwasher Detergent or Soap

Dishwasher detergent or soap is the principal defense force against the tea stain in a steel travel mug. It is simple and works smoothly. Hither are the steps for y'all.

  • Eject a little lather or dishwasher detergent into the mug.
  • Cascade hot water until information technology covers the stains fully.
  • Mix them with a spoon.
  • Wait and let the mixture penetrate the stains.
  • Accept a brush or sponge the scrub and remove stains.
  • Use clean water to remove residues.
  • Allow the mug for further use.

Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide is the ultimate method you should try to remove tea stains. You need to merely follow these 2 steps below.

Step 1: Loose the Stains

  • Add together 1 cup of baking soda to the mug.
  • Make full the mug with hot water.
  • Wait to let blistering soda work.
  • Take a brush and scrub inside.
  • Empty the mug and clean it with fresh h2o.

Stride ii: Remove the Stains

  • Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda and ½ cup peroxide.
  • Swish the mixture to coat the mug wall and bottom.
  • Await for at least 30 minutes.
  • Have a brush and scrub the wall and lesser thoroughly until the stains are gone.
  • Repeat the process if any stains are left.
  • Rinse with fresh water to clean the mug.
  • Let the mug dry for time to come use.

How to Remove Java Stains from Stainless Steel Travel Mug?

Coffee tin can also leave stains just like tea. Yous demand to remove java stains from stainless steel travel mugs for a aseptic experience. The process is even so as removing tea stains from a stainless steel mug. You can utilize any methods you lot desire from higher up to remove coffee stains.

How to Prevent Tea or Coffee Stains in The Mug?

Prevention is better than cure. Information technology is e'er better to preclude tea or coffee stains instead of cleaning them. Hither are the things you lot tin can practice to prevent it from happening.

  • Drink the unabridged cup of coffee or tea and do not leave some at the lesser.
  • Rinse and clean the loving cup with fresh water right later on you drinkable tea.
  • Do not over steep your tea for a long time.
  • Try to make your mug dry before pouring tea once again.
  • Make clean your mug regularly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any questions related to the topic? Yous may then find the below department helpful.

Does vinegar damage the stainless steel mug?

Long-term exposure to vinegar tin can damage the stainless steel mug. Make sure yous clean the mug properly with fresh water after using vinegar.

What should you not use on stainless steel mugs?

You should not utilise any harsh abrasives, steel wool, scouring powders, bleach, and other chlorine products to make clean stainless steel travel mugs. Glass cleaners containing ammonia similar Windex, tap water, and oven cleaner are also not recommended.

Does blistering soda damage the stainless steel mug?

Blistering soda is acidic only does not damage the steel travel mug when cleaning. Merely y'all should clean the soda properly after use since long-term exposure may damage the steel wall and bottom.

Wrap Up

Tea stain in stainless steel travel mugs is common. You can hardly avoid it.

But if you know how to clean tea stains from a stainless steel travel mug, information technology volition non exist a large deal.

Make sure you follow the right procedures and right ingredients to clean the mug. Y'all may impairment the steel otherwise. Try to foreclose tea or coffee stains from building upwardly as much as possible to avoid any hassle.

A make clean and stain-gratuitous travel mug gives you a aseptic tea experience. It besides delivers a refreshing travel experience. Proceed your travel mug make clean and savour the trip better than whatsoever time.

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