
How To Remove Drawers From A Craftsman Toolbox

Craftsman tool boxes are made strong and rugged, so they will last for a lifetime and proceed your tools organized. However, sometimes tools get stuck behind the drawers, or pieces may fall through, and you demand to get them out.

That is when you need to remove the drawers from the toolbox. However, if you lot cannot call back where you put the manual, information technology can get a fleck tricky. We took it on ourselves to show y'all how to remove those stubborn drawers in quick and piece of cake steps.

So, keep on reading to detect out how to do it and never struggle to get those drawers out again. Hither is how to remove drawers from a Craftsman Tool Box.

To Open Drawers With Levers

These are the easiest drawers on a Craftsman toolbox to remove and tin can be washed in a few simple steps. The best of all is that you exercise not even need any tools to remove toolbox drawers.

  1. The showtime step is to open up the drawer and remove all the contents.
  2. So you need to pull the drawer evenly and completely open towards you.
  3. When the drawer is completely extended, the levers on each side will be exposed on the side rail.
  4. Now you demand to button down on the right-mitt lever and elevator up the left-manus side lever simultaneously. This must happen while you pull the drawer completely out and free from the rails.
  5. To put it back, just line information technology upwards with the slides and button the drawer in. Make certain the drawer works fine by opening and endmost it.

That is how piece of cake information technology is to remove a drawer on the newer models of Craftsman toolboxes. You will discover that those working with tabs tin be done the same style without the utilise of a tool.

You lot but demand to press the tabs on both sides at the aforementioned fourth dimension and pull the drawer free from the slides.

To Open Drawers With Clips

Drawers with clips will come out the aforementioned way those with levers come out. Just follow the steps for those with levers and press the clips simultaneously, then the drawers will come out.

How To Remove a Drawer With Friction Slides

To remove this type of drawers is a bit more than complicated and you will demand a special tool. This tool can be made from a thin brass strip of about a quarter-inch broad or you can use an old hacksaw blade.

Give the brass strip or hacksaw blade a slight bend about one inch away from the tip. This will help to button the metallic clip on the side of the drawer out of the way.

  1. Pull the drawer open until it is completely extended.
  2. At present push button it back merely a few inches to only over a third open up.
  3. You will see on the slide an oblong-shaped hole.
  4. With the drawer in that position, push the brass strip in the slide a few inches to the dorsum.
  5. Push it in until information technology passes the pigsty in the side of the slide.
  6. With the strip in that position, pull the drawer forward at the side you are working on.
  7. While belongings the strip in position with your finger, pull the drawer towards you.
  8. This should pull the drawer free from the clip located at that place.
  9. Do the same thing on the other side and the drawer will be gratuitous to remove completely.
  10. To put it back, y'all but line it up with the slide on both sides and push it in.

Yous can buy such a tool from the hardware store if you cannot arrive yourself. Run across the post-obit video if yous are still unsure of how to do it.

How To Get a Stuck Drawer Out

If you stored your toolbox upside down or it fell over, you will discover that the drawers volition lock. For this, y'all need to become in at the bottom of the toolbox to unlock the safety machinery.

You lot will detect that the drawers will not open at all, and so yous volition accept to remove the bottom drawer start. At the dorsum of the drawer, y'all will find a little hook and a jump-loaded lever.

This lever is fastened inside the backside of the toolbox, and hooks attached to it will hook into the drawer. Then when you tilt the toolbox on its back, information technology will lock the drawers in identify for safety purposes.

You just need to bend the lesser hook downwards and it will release the second-lowest drawer. This volition allow you to open the drawer and grant you access to it.

With the lower drawer out of the way, y'all simply need to push the bound-loaded lever at the back. This will allow all the other drawers to become unlocked or unstuck, so you will be able to open them.

For complete instructions on this, meet the post-obit Youtube video on how to unlock a toolbox.

Some Useful Tips

Some people will tell y'all to curve the metal tap on the friction slides to remove the drawer easily. You lot should not do that because it will prevent the drawer from working properly when you put information technology dorsum.

Make sure you lot empty the drawer before y'all remove it completely because if it is loaded, it might exist as well heavy. This way, you tin can injure yourself if the drawer is unexpectedly heavier than you think, and you may let information technology fall.

This is where the side by side hint comes in; e'er make sure you are working on a sturdy and even surface. You lot should besides have enough space in front end of the toolbox where the drawer can be placed afterwards removing it.

If you want to install casters on your Craftsman toolbox will have to remove all the drawers completely.


Hopefully, this will help you in the future, so you do not need to struggle and chop-chop remove the drawers. In that location is no shame in asking someone else if you lot practice not know how to do something.

We all need to start at some point, then this is your first step into becoming a Craftsman toolbox expert.


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