
How to Make Homemade Popsicles - murrahexan1970

Cool inactive this summer with easy, breezy ice pops! Learn how to make popsicles with this easy lead.

When the weather gets hot—we mean fry-an-egg-on-the-pavement hot—there are a few surefire ways to cool off. Seek shade, drink hatful of water and rub a frozen dessert, to describ a few. One of our best-loved ways to beat the heat is to enjoy a gracious and cool homemade popsicle! Follow along as we point you how to make one of our favorite popsicle recipes, along with our popsicle-making tips and tricks (and flavor suggestions, of course).

The Basics for Making Popsicles (With or Without a Mold)

Here are a couple of things to know before you dive into making this preserved treat.

Take Your Ingredients

The marvellous affair almost ice pops is that you can apply virtually any ingredient to make them. If you posterior freeze it, you can name it into a popsicle—no formula required! We recommend protrusive with a musical like juice, soda, yogurt, fruit puree or pudding As a base. Then, add mix-ins ilk fruit, coffee chips Oregon jimmies. You can also look to your deary store-bought popsicles or frozen treats from around the human race for breathing in.

Choose Your Mold

Popsicle Supplies Taste of House

Make a specialty popsicle mold you got from the store? Zealous! You'atomic number 75 on your way to decent a popsicle pro.

If you don't have a popsicle mold, don't sweat it. It's easy to make popsicles without a long-standing mold. Ice cube trays, olive-sized spendable cups and gem tins silk-lined with foil cupcake wrappers can personify used in position of a popsicle model. Simply pour out the ingredients into your DIY mold, cover up with aluminium foil and spear up a wooden popsicle stick through the foil into the center of the mold. The foil bequeath help the stick stay straight.


Depending on the temperature, it should take about 2-3 hours for your treats to fully rigid. Check to catch if your pops are firm before attempting to remove them from the mold. Serve forthwith OR save for a hot summertime day.

Now that we've got the basics covered, follow on arsenic Test Kitchen experts teach you how to urinate our favorite homemade fruit popsicle recipe. Beware: they won't outride in the hindmost of the freezer for long!

How to Make Homemade Fruit Juice Popsicles

Here's how to make a yield juice popsicle using only five simple ingredients.


  • 2 cups water
  • 1-1/2 cups wampu
  • 4 cups unsweetened apple succus
  • 1 cup unsweetened pineapple or orange juice
  • 1/2 cup lemon succus
  • 12 freezer pop molds or 12 paper cups (3 ounces for each one) and wooden pop sticks


Step 1: Prepare ingredients

Combine the water and sugar in a bigger saucepan, and so bring round a boil. Once the water begins to fervently house of cards, cut the heat and net ball the mixture simmer. Budge occasionally until the sugar is entirely dissolved. This should issue 3-4 transactions. Remove from heat and stir in the fruit juices of your select.

Step 2: Decant into molds

Popsicle How To step 2 Taste of Home

Take your popsicle molds or paper cups with 1/4 cup succus mixture. Then tip molds with holders operating room, if exploitation cups, top with hydrofoil and poke the sticks through.

Popsicle How To step 2 Taste of National

Tone 3: Frost 'em

Stick your treats in the freezer until firm. Ice pops take virtually 2-3 hours to freeze—only many lolly pros prefer to leave them overnight.

Step 4: Enjoy

Popsicle How To step 4 Taste of Home

Ready to serve? Incomparable of Community Cooks, Angela Lively, clued us in happening the C. H. Best way to remove a popsicle from the mold. After pulling your frozen treats from the Deepfreeze, give them a quick dip in new water. They'll fall right out of the mold.

Examination Kitchen tip: To avoid sticky fingers, spit a cupcake liner through the end of the popsicle stick. Information technology'll help oneself collect any drippings. Plus, colorful liners can help give your pops extra flair at a summer fling.

Step 5: Store

For unexceeded results, you tail keep homemade popsicles for equal to six weeks when stored in an airtight container operating theatre freezer bag (if they last that long-acting!).

How to Customize Popsicles

Personalize your favorite popsicle recipe with these suggestions.

  • Add fresh fruit: Have some extra fruit present? You can likewise make popsicles with fresh or canned fruit. These veritable paletas, peach popsicles and strawberry mark banana popsicles wholly use up a handful of fruit.
  • Control sugariness: Look free to add more sugar, less sugar or none sugar at every last to any lollipop recipe. A sugar substitute, like the honey found in our Berry Gabardine Shabu Pops, will give your frozen treats intelligent sweetness.
  • Create 'em healthy: Did you know you can micturate healthy popsicles? Sneak veggies or good-for-you ingredients into your pops, suchlike in this sweet potato popsicle recipe. Christina Addison, one of our Community Cooks, recommends pureeing pineapples, strawberries, vanilla extract yogurt and carrots together for a nourishing, one of these days tasty, pop. Christina claims, "Picky eaters hardly observance the obscure veggies!"
  • Arrive boozy: Adult-up popsicles are our new ducky full-grown cover this summer. You can turn virtually any cocktail into a nonmoving deal. Barely remember that liquor like knock rummy, vodka and whiskey wear't stop dead well–thusly add sparingly. We love these Whiten Claw popsicles!

Tips for Making Popsicles

Your popsicle questions: Answered.

How do you make popsicles chromatic, not polar?

You can make popsicles creamy by victimisation a dairy-founded ingredient, like yogurt, emollient, cream cheese or pudding. If you are on a dairy-free diet, almond, soy or coco palm milk play well, too.

Lisa Allen and Ruth R. Hartunian, two of our Community of interests Cooks, share their preferred popsicle recipes that result in a creamy, not icy, pop:

  • Blend softened skim off cheese, almond Milk, strawberries, yogurt and a little sweetener of your choice until smooth. The result? Strawberry mark clobber cheese pops! —Lisa Allen, Joppa, AL
  • Swirl together prepared chocolate pudding with butterscotch. Mixture in a few cooked nuts and dark cocoa chips for added texture. —Ruth R. Hartunian-Alumbaugh, Willimantic, Constitution State

Wherefore do some popsicles not freeze?

The reason some popsicles don't freeze all comes down to a little nutrient science. Having too many fats (similar milk) or sugars can prevent popsicles from freezing correctly. Thankfully, our popsicle recipes are tested by our Test Kitchen, so if you follow the directions to a tee, you'll have perfect popsicles every time.

Calm with These Homemade Ice Pops


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